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Create New App

This guide shows you how to create app without subscribing, how to activate, and how to apply a discount coupon (if any).

1. Install API on your Website

Make sure to install the required API below into your website. It helps to display full products and images of your website on iOS & Android apps, and sync with your data/website:

2. Create App on FluxBuilder

Video guide

Manual guide

Step 1: Select [Dashboard] > choose [Create New App] (If you subscribed to a plan but haven't created an app yet, click the auto-generated app, video guide )

Step 2: App Information

Input the App Information as below:

  • App Name (required): input the name of your App/
  • App Category (required): select the field of the App.
  • Short Description (optional): input basic information about the app.
  • Upload Logo (optional): upload the logo of App in both Light Theme and Dark Theme. It can be changed later.

Step 3: Server Integration

Input your Website URL or IP address of the HOSTING service (e.g., select your website Framework, input API Keys/Access Token (if any), then click Run Troubleshoot

If getting failed, please click ? icon at the end of the Failed Message to see the solution:

Step 4: Select a template

Step 5: Choose Color and Font

These settings can also be edited later. Now, click CREATE APP to start your journey.

3. Common issues and Solutions

  • If you see a failed message after clicking on Run Troubleshoot, please click on the failed button to view the solution. Alternatively, you can check the solutions listed below:

    Failed item🚨Solution ✅
    Make sure you do not input sub-folder domain like this Please change to subdomain or main domain
    Make sure you input https instead of http
    SSL VerificationPlease select Run Troubleshoot again or Ignore it.
    Permalink SettingCheck your backend to see if it works https://your website/wp-json/wc/v2/products?consumer_key=your ck key&consumer_secret=your cs key
    CS & CK AuthorizationPlease input your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, following this guide.
    CS & CK ValidationMake sure you have inputted the correct Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, , following this guide.
    WooCommerce ConnectivityYour REST APIs are not enabled on your website, please follow this guide.
    PrestaShop ConnectivityIt could be missing the PrestaShop plugin/API on your site. Please follow this guide.
    Magento ConnectivityYou could install this extension to active the API integrate with the app following this guide.
    WCFM ConnectivityMissing WCFM Rest API. Please install WCFM Rest API plugin to solve it.
    Dokan ConnectivityMissing Dokan Rest API. Please install Dokan Rest API plugin to solve it.
    Opencart ConnectivityYou could install this extension to active the API integrate with the app following this guide.
    Listing ConnectivityYour REST APIs are not enabled on your website, please follow Setup Rest API
    Shopify ConnectivityPlease insert "https://" before your website URL
    Post ConnectivityPlease check if you install any strange plugins that needing the permission to access
  • Cannot see any Images, Products, or Categories, use this solution.

  • App loads slowly, also use this solution.


If you see images have non-good resolution on FluxBuilder, don't worry, we downgrade the resolution of images to improve the speed of FluxBuilder. After building, the app loads images with high resolution smoothly on the real device.

4. Activate App

To activate the app to access other features, please refer to steps below:

Step 1 - Create New App as the guide above, or open your existing app:

Step 2 - Activate app: go to Subscribe on the left menu. Then, select the appropriate package for the app.

For other products, please refer to this guide.

5. Apply Discount Coupon

If you have a coupon, please follow step 1 and 2 above, then continue:

On the Payment screen, click the Continue button:

Next, select the Add Discount button:

Then enter the coupon code, you will see the updated price. That’s all :)
